On the one hand, I am deeply curious and inquisitive, which drives me to get down to the true nature/WHY of any problem (I love to be the Devil's advocate!).
Yet on the other hand, I'm compassionate, empathetic and at times wildly open-minded — all of which must contribute to why people have told me I'm so easy to talk to... but also render me particularly capable of both hearing & truly integrating new perspectives that I hadn't / couldn't have considered myself.
As any design-thinker would surely agree, both qualities are crucial for any Designer, since a deep and true understanding of a given problem is a necessary prerequisite in order to DESIGN AN IMPACTFUL SOLUTION.‍
I am also a People-Developer and team-player and love to work at bringing out the best in others.
Rather than taking a shot in the dark, why not just ask the people that actually use your product/service what they think...? Genuine curiosity is needed to ask the right questions, empathy uncovers what lies below the tip of the iceberg, and open-mindedness helps to truly integrate new information.
Applications: Design Thinking, Product/Service Design, Process Innovation
People are complicated and group dynamics can be tricky, but the opportunities made available to teams who take dedicated time to think & work together are massive. Whether to generate new ideas and/or to build team spirit & cohesion, a well-organized and properly-facilitated workshop can take care of both.
Applications: Brand Identity & Values, Team & Culture-Building, Product/Service Innovation
Some things just can’t be learned in a classroom, and a few days immersed in a new environment can help teams let go of usual thinking patterns to appreciate new ideas & concepts. Learning expeditions provide this structure and incorporate moments of down-time for participants to connect on a deeper level.
Applications: Industry Trends & Innovations, Strategic Alignment, Inspiration & Vision-Building
Your website or app should be designed to meet the needs and expectations of the people who use them; a good design is accessible & user-friendly, guiding users through the experience and helping them find what they’re looking for. Great designs also have unique visual identities that make lasting impressions.
Applications: Information Architecture, Low-Fidelity Wireframes, High-Fidelity Prototypes
The Covid-19 pandemic has forced us to think about how to work in teams without being physically together. However, even once covid is behind us, virtual formats still make it easier to align agendas and are lighter on the wallet, while also providing engaging experiences using visual storytelling, gamification & more.
Applications: Brand Identity & Values, Team & Culture Building, Product/Service Innovation
Websites represent a huge opportunity to communicate passionately and/or reassure people that you mean business. Webflow is my development tool of choice as it allows for sophistication, performance, 100% customization, and streamlined simplicity - all without the limitations of hand-coded development work.
Applications: Websites, Webshops
"Nous avons eut beaucoup de plaisir à travailler avec Benjamin. Il s’est très rapidement intégré à l’équipe, à nos process et nos livrables et a toujours travaillé avec beaucoup d’enthousiasme."
"Intervenant très professionnel et efficace avec lequel nous prenons beaucoup de plaisir à collaborer. Benjamin, intervient avec précision à la fois sur les problématiques de design de produit, et sur le design UI, ce qui permet de garder une parfaite continuité dans la conduite des missions qui lui sont confiées. Personnalité par ailleurs très agréable et moteur dans une équipe projet !"
"Working with Ben was one of the best professional experiences I ever had. He is highly dedicated, super reliable and delivers excellent output."
"Benjamin est un professionnel rigoureux et pédagogue qui fournit de précieux conseils. Travailler avec lui a été un plaisir."
"Benji est 100% fiable. C'est quelqu'un de sérieux, qui aime rendre service et s'adapte entièrement à votre demande. ll aime son travail. Il fait face aux enjeux, aux défis et aux difficultés qu'imposent vos choix. L'important pour lui, comme pour nous autres, entrepreneurs, dans ce monde où la couardise est omniprésente, il possède une patience phénoménale. Ajoutez à cela, ses valeurs précieuses de tolérance et d'honnêteté et de réactivité. Je vous prie de ne pas vouloir en abuser, car il saura déterminer les limites pour le bien de votre affaire. C'est une énorme satisfaction de travailler avec lui sur le lancement et la continuité du site de mon agence immobilière www.bobimmo.com."
“Working with Benji on my website was the best decision I could have made. His easygoing manner coupled with his amazing level of organization is not often seen in service industries. Benji was open minded regarding changes and was quick to implement. Most importantly, the website was exactly what I had envisioned. I loved working with Benji so much that I hired him for another project. I recommend him without reservation!!”